1. 研究目的与意义
With the shifts of aesthetic manner and the development of inherently spiritual literature, vampire novels gradually appeared in public under the demands of the masses .Then these novels bring about a group of vampire films and TV serials. In eyes of audience, they are not only a simple scripted fare but a visual feast. Each TV serial and film has its own features but vampires in these works have many aspects in common. Analysis on vampire in modern culture can make people who love vampires have a more profound understanding of the vampires.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
1.Changes of vampires#8217; characteristics 2.Vampires#8217; love pattern 3.Vampires#8217; struggle during their endless life
3. 国内外研究现状
With the increasingly frequent international communication, scholars at home and abroad pay more attention to vampires in popular culture. At home, the researchers mainly focus on religion belief and social values of vampires. In foreign countries, study of vampires in films gets more attention. The researchers concentrate on the characteristics, love pattern and inner struggle of vampires. Study on vampires has achieved great success all around the world. For example, Chinese researcher Gengxin Su views vampires as challenges of traditional regional and mortal thinking; American researcher Linda Badley regards vampires as a perfect mix of faith and body.
4. 计划与进度安排
1. Introduction 2. Analysis on changes of vampires#8217; characteristics-taking movie The Twilight Saga as an example 2.1 The first stage : traditional gothic evil 2.2 The second stage: demon with more human traits and morals 2.3 The third stage: social outsiders rather than villains 3. Analysis on vampire#8217;s love pattern -taking Vampire Diaries as an example 3.1 From feeling frightened to being attracted 3.2 From strangers to lover 3.3 From partner to soulmate 3.4 From love to marriage 4. Analysis on vampire#8217;s struggle during their endless life-taking True Blood as an example 4.1 Struggle on living amp; death 4.2 Struggle on good amp; evil 5. Conclusion
5. 参考文献
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