1. 研究目的与意义
Robinson Crusoe, is one of the most influencing novels in the history of UK and it has been thought to be one of the most representative works in 18th century. Since the publication of this novel in 1719, it has attracted countless readers and the experiences of Robinson are exactly what the people of 18th century dreamed to have, which is why the novel was well accepted. The novel became so famous that it has been translated in to dozens of language and are famous among people all over the world. Besides, it has been transformed into movies and people still enjoy themselves in watching the movies. Daniel Defoe, the writer of this novel also became a great writer whose life experiences became even common sense. As a result, this novel has become one of the hottest topic of literature researches. People analyzed this novel from various perspectives such as Robinson#8217;s personality, the writing styles and skills of Defoe, so on and so forth. All those researches provide enlightenment on this research.
In this research, the decisive effects of the character#8217;s personalities on the fate in this novel is analyzed in details. At first the background of this research will be analyzed, that is, the life experiences of the writer and the major plot of the novel will be introduced. After that, the personality of the hero in this novel will be analyzed from perspectives of his sense of adventure, positiveness, toughness and his social nature. Then the relationship between his fate and his personality is introduced from the perspective of his going out for more profit, his efforts to survive, his efforts to make a living, his successful survival on the deserted island and his making friends with things which are not friends for common people. Such a research will help readers deepen their understanding of the writing styles of Defoe and the reasons for such writing.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
In this thesis, there will be totally five parts and each of them are related with each other and contribute to the conclusion of this research. The first part is the general introduction of the whole research, including the research background, literature review and the significance. The second part is the introduction of previous studies about Robinson Crusoe. In the third part, the personalities of Robinson is analyzed in details from four perspectives:his sense of adventure, his positiveness, his toughness and his social nature--eager to make friends with others. In the fourth part, the relationship between the personality of Robinson and his fate is explained from the following four aspects: the beginning of his crusoe--his plan to to go out for more profit, his efforts to make a living when he found himself in a deserted island, his perseverance to wait for the chance to get out of the island and his acts of making friends with things that are generally not regarded as friends. As a result, it could be concluded that the fate of the characters is under the deep influence of his personality.
Content of This Thesis
3. 国内外研究现状
This novel has been studied by a considerable number of researchers. The aspects vary from literature to economy, humanity, psychology and even anti-corruption. One of the famous researchers called Liabghua Liu stated a unique clarification from the aspect of Individualism in philosophy: Robinson Crusoe survives on a deserted island for over 20 years, experiencing from society to individual and from individual to society. He has been consummated as a human being.
Daniel Defoe and his novel Robinson Crusoe has a profound impact on literature. This research will focus on the influence of Robinson#8217;s personality on his fate by analyzing his sense of adventure, positiveness, toughness and his social nature.
4. 计划与进度安排
Firstly, this thesis will give a general introduction of the whole research, including the research background, literature review and the significance.
Secondly, the introduction of previous studies about Robinson Crusoe will be provided.
Thirdly, the personalities of Robinson will be analyzed in details from four perspectives:his sense of adventure, his positiveness, his toughness and his social nature--eager to make friends with others.
5. 参考文献
[1]《鲁滨逊漂流记》[英] 丹尼尔#183;笛福 著
[2]从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看性格对命运的影响与作 用张惠宁 著
[3《鲁滨逊#8220;自我#8221;身份研究》 张云霞 著
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