The Disillusion of American Dream in The Great Gatsby开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:42:14

1. 研究目的与意义

Such writers as Mark Twain and Willian Dean Howells, F.Scott Fitzgerald grew up thinking that America would become the hope of the world and become very bitter old men in the end. They are very enthusiastic and excited about this new world but lived to realize eventually that, instead of success, it was all disaster. The Great Gatsby is the spokesman of a crucial and revealing period in the culture history of America. The story takes place against a background of The Jazz Age which is referred to the phenomenon----roaring twenties. The period was featured with prosperous economy and America became the richest nation on Earth and a culture of consumerism was born. American dream conveys the messages to enterprising persons who have strong desires to success that as long as people struggle for better life, they will make it. For hundreds of years, the belief is an inspiration to ordinary people. However, the story in The Great Gatsby ended up the disillusioned American dream. Gatsby is shot dead. The purposes of essay are to reveal causes of disillusion of American Dreams and spirit crisis underneath the economic prosperity.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The essay is studying origin of disillusion of American dream from the novel The Great Gatsby and explaining the fact that social background has essential impact on personal minds and attitudes towards the rich. The essay makes attempts to illustrate the roaring of the postwar boom years and reveal underlying reasons underneath the decadent downside of the American dream.Outline 1. Introduction 2. Research in Roaring Twenties2.1. Economic setting2.2. Class setting 2.3. Definition in the supremacy of money and hedonism2.3.1. Illustration of the two conceptions2.3.2. Evidence/ Example that supports the Idea 3. Difference of values from different classes 3.1. Differences in lifestyle 3.2. Differences in attitude toward love 3.3 Differences in characters 4. Difference of class 4.1. Evidence/ Example that supports the Idea 5. Spirit crisis against a background of Roaring CenturiesPredominated belief in wealth5.1.1. Evidence / example that supports the ideas Purposeless and loneliness of people 5.2.2 Evidence / example that supports the ideas 6. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

Gish Jen described in her first novel Typical American how the first generation of Chinese intellectuals overcame difficulties to accept American culture and value, and became typical Americans at last. In a consumer society, their fate is not optimistic. In the process of realizing American dream and pursuing money to show their values, they fell into spiritual vacancy and became the victims of consumer society. J.M Beach puts forth 2 competing notions of the American Dream, 1 radical and 1 conservative (both put forth by Thomas Jefferson), as the basis for 2 competing public philosophies of American democracy and education.

For decades of years, many Chinese scholars have been devoting in the studying of theme of disillusioned American Dream. They explained it from various aspects. For example, in The Disillusioned American Dream:a Cultural Peeling of The Great Gatsby, author illustrates the origin, evolution and disillusion of American dream in the angle of culture.

4. 计划与进度安排

In chapter 1, there will be a brief introduction of the topic.

In chapter 2, social settings will be introduced. Then supremacy of money and hedonism, the two crucial concepts will be illustrated to denote the social phenomenon at the time.

In chapter 3, the essay makes attempt to reveal cause of disillusioned American Dreams by showing differential values of male protagonist and female protagonist.


5. 参考文献

[1]. Parvin Ghasemi, Mitra Tiur. The Promise and Failure of the American Dream in Scott Fitzgeralds Fiction[M]. K@ta : a Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature, 2009, Vol.11 (2), pp.117

[2]. Freddie Choo, Kim Tan. An American Dream theory of corporate executive Fraud[M]. Accounting Forum, 2007, Vol.31 (2), pp.203-215

[3]. Gayle Porter.Work Ethic and Ethical Work: Distortions in the American Dream[M]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2010, Vol.96 (4), pp.535-550

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