接受理论视阈下的中医方剂英译A Study on the C-E Translation of TCM Prescription from the Perspective of Reception Theory开题报告

 2022-12-26 22:59:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Significance of the ResearchReception Theory, put forward as a literary critical theory at first, has been common in translation throughout the world, and it makes it possible for researchers to cogitate on translation problems from readers angle, which is utterly disparate from other perspectives. TCM prescription translation aims to enhance the influence of TCM, which makes TL readers crucial participants in translation. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the C-E Translation of TCM Prescription by way of the readers-centered view.Readers play a tremendously significant role in judging if the translation is a success. Consequently, it is necessary for translators to take readers into account when translating. Taking advantage of notions of Reception Theory, this thesis strives to present a new stance for the study on the C-E Translation of TCM Prescription.

2. 文献综述

Status Quo of the C-E Translation of TCM PrescriptionChinese-English Translation of TCM has become increasingly important for the spread of TCM. Accordingly, Medical English has been established as an independent major to train talents who can take on this burden. Over years of development of this discipline, titanic achievements have been made, such as the excellent C-E Translation of the Canon of the Yellow Emperor. Meanwhile, problems ensue too. For instance, translations of the same term are not unified or translations are not consistent with source language, which are results of translators inability and misunderstanding (Fan, 2018). TCM Prescription, an important section of TCM, is no exception.Being a mix of two or more herbs, TCM Prescription has a variety of shapes and is often made up of sovereign drug, minister drug, assistant drug, and envoy drug. In recent years, a wealth of attention has been paid to the C-E Translation TCM Prescription. Due to cultural disparities and lack of a fixed standard, translating theories, such as Skopostheory and Eco-Translatology, have been adopted to guide TCM prescription translation, based on which, scholars come up with several translating methods, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation, and substitution. Nevertheless, most researches are concerned with culture-loaded words, few studies on it are from the angle of Reception Theory.

3. 设计方案和技术路线

The goal of C-E Translation of TCM Prescription, however, is to expand the influence of TCM Prescription even the whole TCM internationally, thus people engaged in translation ought to cogitate on translation problems from readers angle that is the core of Reception Theory, whose claim is that readers play a foremost role in judging whether the translation is successful or not.Thence, this thesis gives an elaborate investigation of TCM Prescription from the standpoint of Reception Theory. In the light of research on characteristics of TCM Prescription and four major concepts of Reception Theory, it can be drawn that applying Reception Theory to TCM Prescription translation is viable.

4. 工作计划

having collected lots of related papers; writing the original paper.

5. 难点与创新点

In spite of a large number of studies carried out, most of them were author-oriented, which resulted in lack of cultural connotation of TCM Prescription. Thence, this thesis will state the C-E Translation of TCM Prescription from the perspective of Reception theory that is renowned for orienting readers and puts emphasis on cultural connotation to pave the way for combination of other theories with the C-E Translation of TCM Prescription.

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