Comparison of the Lost Generation and the Beat Generation开题报告

 2022-07-13 15:37:57

1. 研究目的与意义

America is not a country of a long history, but the peculiarity of American spirit has been promoting American people to innovate and to create their unique history. When we look back of American history, we can find that the American people have always been pursuing the spirit of freedom and a better life since the state#8217;s establishment. There are some big events during America#8217;s history which changed people#8217;s minds and shaped American spirit. Literature is no exception. There are some important literary schools in American history and two of them are the Lost Generation and the Beat Generation, which appeared after the two world wars separately. Their appearances resulted from the mixture and interaction of some specific reasons. The two generations and their work reflected the situation of the time and society. Maybe beat generation is not so important or famous as lost generation, it also played an important role in American history. So through the study of the two generations, we can learn about the American society at that time. We can learn American people#8217;s situation: what they wanted or hated, how they fought against the society or protected what they valued, how they sought for dreams or abandoned badness. We can learn how American developed in the mental level and what changed them. At the same time, while we are studying the masterpieces of great writers, we can look through their work and learn the writers and their writing skills. And then we can learn better about American history, culture and literature.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

研究内容: 1. The reason for the appearance of lost generation and beat generation For example, what did the two world wars bring to the two generations? Did some famous thoughts provide a solid basis for them? Or were the social situation the key factor of the formation of lost generation and beat generation? 2. The features of the two generations What did these people admire or seek for? What did they hate or want to abandon? How did they express their feelings? How did they fight against society? 3. Typical writers of the two literary schools (take two famous writers and their work at that time as examples: Ernest Hemingway and his work The Sun also Rises, Jack Kerouac and his work On the Road) What are the characteristics of Ernest Hemingway and Jack Kerouac? What are the features of the two novels? What feelings or emotions hide under these words? What literary methods did the two writers use? What are their differences or similarities? 拟解决关键问题: 1. How some famous mental theories influenced lost generation and beat generation 2. What their work reflected (thoughts, desire, despair and rebellion etc. to society and people in it#8230;) 写作提纲:#61548; The whole body will be divided into six parts as follows: The first part is introduction, which briefly introduces what lost generation and beat generation are and what this essay will discuss. The second part is about reasons for the appearance of Lost generation and Beat Generation. And the essay will analyze the reasons from the following three parts: 1. the connections between breakout of two world wars and the appearance of two generations 2. the social situation of that time 3. influences of mental crisis for the mass The third part is about thought foundations for the two generations. The prevailing theories of Freud and Existentialism both played an important role in the formation of two generations#8217; values. The forth part is about characteristics of the two generations, including their values towards life or society and their separate ways of rebellion. The fifth part studies typical writers of the two generations and their famous work. It chooses Ernest Hemingway and his work The Sun also Rises, Jack Kerouac and his work On the Road and compares the writers and works separately. The sixth part, also the last part, will make a conclusion according to the whole essay.

3. 国内外研究现状

There are many essays about lost generation or beat generation, which study the features of the generation, what writers wanted to express through their work and their influences. But not many study the reason why the two generations showed up. Also, few combined the two generations and compare their similarities and differences (In the aspects like their attitudes towards society, how they influenced American people and so on.).

4. 计划与进度安排

On the background of world wars, I will adopt case study method and document reading method to research the two generation. These methods can go deeper and study details about the two generations and make essay more accurate. At the same time, I will use comparison research method to compare the differences between the two generations. On the Social situation mental crisis for the mass of that time, I will use document reading method. About thought foundations for Lost Generation and Beat Generation, I will use document reading method to explain what Freudism and Existentialism are and how they affected the two generations. Also, some comparisons will be used to show the subtle difference in the degree and parts of effect. And about characteristics of the two generations, I also use document reading method and comparison method to show their different values and fight ways. When analyzing two writers and their work, I will use document reading method, case study method and comparison method to show their separate features.

5. 参考文献

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