Translation of Chinese Tea Culture from Reader-response Perspective开题报告

 2022-07-17 13:57:02

1. 研究目的与意义

As one of the most representative traditional culture in China, tea has come into our daily life for thousands of years. We drinking tea to stay healthy, to cultivate minds, to treat our guests. Meanwhile, tea has also spread to the world and played an important role in history through the Silk Road. Nowadays, there are still great demands of tea around the world. Devoted into promoting Chinese tea culture, our government has made great efforts. With various types of tea, different ways of making tea as well as profound culture deposits of naming tea, tea sets and tea art performances, however, it is very hard to translate Chinese names into English wonderfully without losing the cultural meanings. For example, we often use literary allusions as sources of names. Interpreting both literal meanings and deeper meanings is very difficult. In addition, we don#8217;t have uniform standards for technical tea terms so that interpreters have all sorts of ways to translate. As a result, there might be mistakes on translated contents and foreigners may not be able to understand them. Finding proper ways to translate tea culture and keep its aesthetic feelings from reader-response perspective can help foreigners better tasting Chinese tea culture. It is also beneficial to advertise Chinese tea culture and facilitate communication of China and the world.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

In this paper, I will combine the translation methods of many translators and Chinese traditional culture together to explore and conclude proper methods to translate names of tea, tea sets and tea art performances from reader-response perspective. Not only in the real world, there are also many different types of tea invited by writers in Chinese literary works. I will also study how to translate tea culture terms in literary works. There are several problems now in Chinese tea culture translation. First, we still lack enough attention to promote Chinese tea culture. Secondly, there are no formal standards of tea terms. Thirdly, the qualities of translation works now vary since different interpreters have different ideas. As a result, the effect of advertising can#8217;t be sure. Anyway, The key problem to solve is to interpret beautiful Chinese names into English without losing Chinese cultural senses of beauty. Outline:1. Introduction2. Reader-response theory3. Translation of tea names 3.1 Tea names in real life 3.2 Tea names in literary works4. Translation of tea sets 4.1 Basic sets of making tea 4.2 Delicate utensils with complicate names5. Translation of tea art performances6. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

Tea has been a popular drink in China since 3000 years ago. It is now one of the three most popular alcohol-free drinks in the world. To promote Chinese tea culture to the world, many professional interpreters have studied the translation methods from many different angles such as translating from the perspectives of functionalist translation theory, relevance translation theory, the skopos theory and so on. However, most of the papers talk about how to translate tea names. Only a few focus on the translation of tea sets and tea art performances. What#8217;s more, most papers were written by tea exports and foreign trade companies in some tea magazines. They haven#8217;t be accepted by the majority of the public. Although we are trying to advertise Chinese tea culture to the world, still much more attention should be paid to it. In the foreign countries, tea is also gaining more and more popularity ever since tea was brought into those countries hundreds of years ago. Foreigners combined their own understandings and culture to Chinese tea and created their own tea culture. Yet they still don#8217;t have many knowledge of Chinese tea culture. For example, they often divide tea into two types, green tea and black tea. In fact, there are six types of tea in China divided according to the color. At present, most foreign studies of Chinese tea are centered on tea trade and chemical analysis instead of Chinese culture. But among them, most articles were written by ethnic Chinese. All in all, not only in China, but also in foreign countries, it is necessary to pay more attention to study the translation of Chinese tea culture to promote it.

4. 计划与进度安排

I will finish this paper in the following steps. First, there are many kinds of tea in China. The standards of dividing and naming tea also vary. I must read many books to have enough knowledge of tea culture. It is also important to know about the reader-response theory and the present condition of drinking tea in foreign countries. Second, I will read enough translation papers about Chinese tea culture translation in the past to conclude the methods other interpreters used. Third, combining former ways of translation and the acceptance degree for foreigners to understand the deep cultural meanings. I will try to explore a proper way to best advertise Chinese tea culture by giving some examples. Here are my plans:Before the opening report, I have learnt a lot about Chinese tea culture, the reader-response theory and the ways other interpreters used to translate Chinese names. So I will finish summarizing them in two days after the opening report is approved. Meanwhile, I will pick some examples for each part. Then I will finish the first draft of my paper before the end of February and check it for spelling and grammar mistakes first. After the approval of first draft, I will improve and polish my paper in time until the final draft is finished.

5. 参考文献

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