A Contrastive Study of the Translation Theory of Zhang Pei-ji and Yang Hsien-yi Reflected in the Version of Beiying开题报告

 2022-07-29 09:49:37

1. 研究目的与意义

Beiying, masterpiece of Zhuziqing who was one of the most outstanding essayist in china#8217;s May 4th period, enjoys a great reputation in Chinese prose history. With plain and fresh language as well as touching and moving feelings, his father silent love for author was described completely. In light of this, many translators at home and abroad dedicated themselves to expressing Zhu#8217;s original style in the versions of Beiying, among which Zhang Pei-ji#8217;s the sight of father#8217;s back and Yang Hsien-yi#8217;s my father#8217;s back are widely accepted. So the reasons of picking this topic are as follows: Readers can fully understand or realize the emotional value embodied in Beiying on one hand and, more importantly, on the other hand readers can have a deep knowledge about translation theory of Yang and Zhang reflected in their versions.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper aims to do research on translation theories of Zhang Pei-ji and Yang Hisen-yi via comparing two versions of Beiying translated by them. The first part will give introduction of Beiying and two great translators. Then the essay will further analyze their versions from three different perspectives respectively so as to summarize their translation thought reflected in the prose. Finally, a comprehensive comparison will be given from four aspects and then author#8217;s personal opinion or conclusion should be drawn.

3. 国内外研究现状

After searching for a flood of literature, I found that there had been many researches on the contrastive study on translation version of Beiying both in home but few foreign scholars did related researches. Nevertheless, those researches just give analysis from the lexical, syntactic, discourse levels and etc. As those predecessors#8217; studies are numerous but scattered, they do not draw a systematic and rounded conclusion on the two great translators#8217; translation thought.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction1.1. Background information of Beiying1.2. About Zhang Pei-ji and his achievements1.3. About Yang Hisen-yi and his achievements1.4. Literature review2. Analysis of Zhang#8217;s the Sight of Father#8217;s Back2.1. At lexical level2.2. At syntactic level2.3. At discourse level3. Translation theory of Zhang reflected in Beiying4. Analysis of Yang#8217;s My Father#8217;s Back4.1. At lexical level4.2. At syntactic level4.3. At discourse level5. Translation theory of Yang reflected in Beiying6. Contrastive studies on translation techniques and theory6.1. Comparison of title translation6.2. At words and sentences level6.3. On emotion expression6.4. Under functional equivalence perspective7. Conclusion8. Bibliography

5. 参考文献

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