Interpretation of Ian McEwans Works from the Perspective of Ethics开题报告

 2022-08-06 08:54:58

1. 研究目的与意义

Ian McEwan is one of the most influential writers in British today and has won several awards, including the Somerset Maugham Award, the Man Booker Prize and the Whitbread Novel Award. Many of his works have been adapted into films and have received high praise.

McEwan''''s early writing style was usually thrilling, always involving themes such as sex, incest, violence, murder, and so on. In fact, his works contain a strong moral connotation, he hoped that the reader can carefully explore the various ethical dilemmas encountered by the characters and the ethical choices made by them, so as to arouse the reader''''s deep thinking.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

1.Research contents

This article will first introduce Ian McEwan and his works. Then the article will analyze the ethical issues in Ian McEwan’s works of different periods from perspectives of family, social and ecological ethics. Finally, conclusion is drawn based on the above analysis,showing the results,shortcomings of this research and its prospects.


3. 国内外研究现状

Many scholars at home and abroad have studied McEwan''''s works from the ethical view. There have been studies from the perspective of literary ethics and narrative ethics, psychological analysis, gender analysis and cultural analysis; besides some are combined with ethical criticism.

The studies of Ian McEwan and his works abroad started in the 1970s and reached the first climax in the 1990s.

In 1994, Kiernan Ryan published Ian McEwan, the first book devoted to Ian McEwan''''s work, reviewing all of McEwan''''s works from 1975 to 1992.“Ian McEwan’s creation isboth an art of adventure and an art of destruction, and all of these works can be called as the ’art of unease’ ”(Ryan, 1994, p.28). Ryan points out that the 'art of unease' is the key to interpreting McEwan''''s works.However, Ryan doesn''''t have a high opinion of McEwan’s early works, he thinks that in the early stage, McEwan indulges himself in creating “disgusting adolescent’s fantasy”, yet when he throws off the fantasy, he grows into a would-be responsible novelist.(Ryan, 1994, p.21).


4. 计划与进度安排

2022-11-09—2022-11-22 Choose the thesis topic and collect information

2022-11-23—2022-12-06 Write and submit the thesis proposal

2022-12-07—2022-01-19 Hand the first vision of the thesis and fill in the interim inspection form


5. 参考文献

1. Bolchi, E. (2016). An Air-conditioned Global Warming. The Description of Settings in Ian McEwan’s Solar. L’Analisi linguistica e letteraria. 34-42.

2. Groes, S. (2009). Ian McEwan: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.

3. Head, D. (2007). Ian McEwan. London: Manchester University Press.

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