Naturalism in Sister Carrie开题报告

 2022-08-08 09:31:58

1. 研究目的与意义

Naturalism refers to the rise of the 1890s, and a trend of thought prevailing in Europe and the United States in the twentieth Century. Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representative of American naturalism. His first novel Sister Carrie fully embodies his view of morality and fate in naturalism, and is regarded as the masterpiece of naturalism in the United states. Sister Carrie describes the country girl, Carrie, who came to the big city of Chicago to search for happiness. She sold her virginity to the salesman and the hotel manager to get rid of poverty and betrayed her chastity, and then she became an actress with her beauty and voice. This paper in this novel as an example, to explain the 'Sister Carrie' from the perspective of naturalism, discuss how environmental factors and hereditary factors influence Carrie''''s fate, so as to truly reflect the life of the bottom laborers in the United States at that time, exposing and criticizing the capitalist society of corruption and moral decay.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Dreiser''''s famous work Sister Carrie has a distinct naturalistic style, so this article interprets Sister Carrie from a naturalistic point of view. The article is divided into five parts.

The first chapter briefly introduces Theodore Dreiser''''s personal experience, literary achievements, the plot of Sister Carrie, and the purpose and structure of this paper.

The second chapter introduces the definition, development background and main characteristics of American naturalism.


3. 国内外研究现状

Theodore Dreiser was a famous naturalist writer in America in twentieth Century. Sister Carrie, published in 1900, has a distinct naturalistic style and is regarded as the masterpiece of naturalism in the United states. American critics think Dreiser loyal to life and making bold innovations have broken through the imprisonment of American literary traditions, liberated American novels, brought a revolution to the United States and ranked him first with Faulkner and Hemingway as the first The only three novelists in the United States after First World War. The Daily Mail said Sister Carrie was a fantastic novel written by Americans. In China, some scholars have studied and commented on it from different perspectives. For example: Liu Shiang published in Kaili University Journal analyzed 'Sister Carrie' in the naturalism; Shen Shenglin in Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education published the distorted American dream - see 'Sister Carrie' from the perspective of naturalism, the scholars determinism and consumer analysis of Carrie chase and realize the dream of the process from the viewpoint of natural environment, so as to reveal the naturalist literature criticism of social reality. This paper attempts to analyze the fate of Sister Carrie from the three elements of desire, instinct and environment, revealing Dreiser''''s naturalism in Sister Carrie and the life of the working class in the United States at that time, exposing and criticizing capitalism Social decay and moral decay.


4. 计划与进度安排

Before November 10, 2022, determine the title of thesis, make plans and search relevant materials.

Before November 30, 2022, complete the Opening Report and submit it to the tutor.

Before March 18, 2022, search and read related materials, such as literatures, dissertations, journals and monographs to establish the framework of thesis, and then complete the first draft. Meanwhile, translate related foreign materials and fill in the Mid-term Check List, after that, submit them to the tutor.


5. 参考文献

Works Cited

[1]Brooks, C. American Literature: The Makers and the Making [M]. New York: St, Matin#8217;s Print, 1973: 1198-1212.

[2]Chang Yaoxing. A Survey of American Literature [M]. Nanjing: NanKai University Publishing House, 2002: 197-217.

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