The Female Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice开题报告

 2022-08-08 09:32:18

1. 研究目的与意义

Throughout the history, regardless of the ancient and the modern, women#8217;s position has been always weaker than men. Feminism finds that the low social status and the tragic situation of women are imposed by unreasonable degrees instead of the unalterable principles. Women's social status, identity and role are caused by the reality of the social inequality. In England, at the end of the eighteenth Century and the beginning of the nineteenth Century, the works of the male writers are always the hero who plays a leading role, and the plot of the novel is centered on the male. The female image is either #8220;the angel at home#8221;, who is at the mercy of a man; or the disgusting image, such as witch. Even the female writers at that time, they were more or less from the male perspective to look at the whole world. However, this phenomenon is dissolved by Austen#8217;s novel Pride and Prejudice. Austen used the unique female perspective and shaped the success of the heroine-Elizabeth, which exhibited fully of the female consciousness in the literature. It is very commendable for Elizabeth that she is smart, courageous, visionary, strong self-esteem and is good at thinking. I love the writer-Jane Austen, for she thinks that women and men are equal. Under her pen, women and men have the same ability to acquire knowledge, and women don#8217;t have the patience, obedience as virtue. Reading Jane Austen#8217;s novel Pride and Prejudice, though it can#8217;t help us to find the ideal lover and establish a happy marriage, at least it can let us get the knowledge of humanity.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1)Research contents: the female consciousness in Pride and Prejudice; the writing background of Pride and Prejudice; the position of British women in the nineteenth Century; different views of marriage that represent the female consciousness.

2)Key problems to be solved: first, analyzing the female consciousness through the different views of marriage. Second, looking at the status of British women in the nineteenth Century.

3)Writing outline:


3. 国内外研究现状

At present, the study of women's consciousness in Pride and Prejudice is mainly through the following aspects from home and abroad: First, the characters in the novel. The heroine Elizabeth in the novel is beautiful, wise strong-minded and she has the courage to pursue her dreams; she is not willing to wrong herself to live together with the people she doesn#8217;t love and just for a better life, so she firmly refused to marry Collins. This reflects Elizabeth#8217;s female consciousness. Second, five different views of marriage in the novel. The five different marriages are the blind marriage of the old couple Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet; the combination of money dealing and interests -- Charlotte and Collins; the marriage that pursues pleasure of Lydia and Wickham; the marriage that bases on love of Jane and Bingley; the perfect marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy. For the five marriages, Austen advocated the last two marriages. This reflects the respect for women. Third, the resistance to the secular ethics and the patriarchal society in the novel. Collins is a pastor; he represents the secular ethics and patriarchy. Then Elizabeth refused to marry him, which represent the resistance to the secular ritual. This reflects the strong female consciousness. Fourth, Jane Austen describes the story from a female perspective. Austen uses her unique female perspective to examine the male image in the works, and deconstructs the superior authority of male. She shows a gesture of rebellion on the dominant position of the male. Also, Austen expresses a full affirmation of women's smart and wisdom and self-value. This reflects the female consciousness.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Collecting materials, reading literatures and completing the selection of the thesis topic before November 10th, 2022.

2. Completing the research proposal before November 30th, 2022.

3. Completing the first draft before March 18th, 2022.


5. 参考文献

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