Untranslatability Caused by the Differences Between English and Chinese Cultures开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:16

1. 研究目的与意义

In this day and age ,people get a better chance to communicate with others all over the world. With the development of economic and technology ,there is a great change in our life. The globalization contributes the connections among countries. However, there are many problems arise in communication. For illustrate, many differences may often face, it can bring a serious of problems, such as untranslatability. Through experts#8217; studies on the untranslatability, there are some answers on this problem. The main aim of this article can explain this phenomenon. And this article aims to understand the difference between English and Chinese. It can promote communication.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This article will mainly talk about three aspects. The first is cultural difference between English and Chinese .Then is effects of culture on translation. The last is untranslatability caused by cultural difference. All aspects reflect that untranslatability caused by difference between English and Chinese cultural. What#8217;s more, by knowing the difference, we can absorb a lot from each, and have a better chance to use them

Untranslatability Caused by Differences BetweenEnglish and Chinese Cultural1. Introduction2. Cultural differences between English and Chinese2.1Tradition2.2Religion2.3History2.4Geography


3. 国内外研究现状

s the topic Untranslatability Caused By The Differences Between English And Chinese Cultures, this representative novel has been researched by a lot of scholars at home and abroad. There are many research papers and books about this topic at home and abroad.In the western world, Catford ,a famous translator ,he refers to some researches in A Linguistic Theory Of Translation,#8220;there are some reasons caused this phenomenon, and also divided linguistic untranslatability and cultural untranslatability#8221;The studies of this research in China was a little later than the study abroad. Maaiying, a doctorate in linguistics, in her book Cultural Translation from Chinese To English, she obtains a lot of achievement.And now many problems have been discovered and effectively solved. However, I have my own understanding towards collectivism and individualism, which is the reason why I attempt to make research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

Nov .7, 2022 to November. 27, 2022 :Collecting information, reading books and confirming the topic of the paper.Nov.28,2022 to Dec .15,2022:Collecting dates and materials ,and do some notesDec. 16,2022 to Dec 26,2022: Using all the materials to write a outlineDec.27,2022 to Jan.15,2022:Completing the thesis proposalJan.16,2022 to Feb.10,2022:Writing the paperFeb.11,2022 to Apr.9,2022:Continuig to writing the paper, to make the paper more perfectApr.10,2022 to May.15,2022:Continuing to revise the paperBefore Jun.10,2022:Completing the oral defense

5. 参考文献

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