A feminist interpretation of the portrait of a lazy开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:28

1. 研究目的与意义

Henry James (1843-1916), an outstanding novelist, stylist and literarycritic. In the new historical period, James is a key link between the characters. James begins with the familiar tradition of fiction and then turns his attention to what has so far been neglected in fiction writing that has made James, to a large extent, a precursor to modern experimental fiction .This paper analyzes the character of Isabella Archer in the portrait of a woman, and analyzes the methods, means and techniques of the traditional novels and stream of consciousness novels.To find one of the regularity, so as to deepen the psychological realism of James literary works of understanding and understanding .To understand the literary creation skills. By deepening the analysis of hero character of Isabella Archer in Henry James'''' works and the study of his writing skills, we can help the reader to understand the creation characteristics of the famous novelist and help them .More in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the characters, and reflect the social reality.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

'The portrait of a lazy' is a realist masterpiece of Henry James, this article mainly from the 'The portrait of a lazy' in the actress Isabel Archer''s character, as well as its influence in the history of literature and other aspects , From three parts: First, the author introduces the creation background of 'the portrait of the lady' and the characters of Isabel Archer; secondly, it analyzes the independence and reality of the heroine Isabel Archer; Actress Isabel Archer''s Respect for Life and His Understanding of Life. Through the analysis of Isabel Archer, the reader of Isabel Archer has a more in-depth understanding, thereby deepening the understanding of James''s literary works.

3. 国内外研究现状

Foreign:The study of James with a variety of styles, writers of different times to compare, it seems that no one can`t be used as a writer and James for comparison, so many are compared to appear. The analysis of his works is relatively few, mostly focus on the psychological characteristics reflected in the article, and her works reflect the post-modernity and cultural integration concept research. The study of the characters is also the vast majority of the work of all the characters in the comparative study, few individual analysis of a character, the character of the study. Domestic:The domestic academic research on James there is an imbalance in the situation, for some aspects of excessive attention, while others are ignored. The existing articles mainly focus on the analysis of several major works, such as 'Daisy Miller' and 'The Portrait of the Lady', rarely touching other works or other directions. Especially after James''s late masterpiece of the three little domestic scholars rarely make this attempt. Some critics and scholars focus only on the international themes, moral issues, cultural differences and integration in James''s works, and rarely focus on how the character of the analysis of the character. This also shows that the study of his works in China is not enough social, such as detailed, so that his work on the study there is a very large space.

4. 计划与进度安排

Part I: Introduction1.1 Introduction to the author 1.1.1The life and main works 1.1.2 The author`sfeminineawareness 1.2 literature review 1.21 Studies Aboard 1.22 Studies at home 1.3Theoretical Framework and siginifiancePart II:Feminst ideal of sexualist2.1The traditional female consciousness in Europe and America2.2New feminismPartIII :Rebellious spirits and Her independencePart IV :Eagemess for freedomPartV :View on lovePart VI: Conclusion

5. 参考文献

【1】 Allen, Elizabeth. A Women`s place in the novels of Henry James, London : Macmillan,1984.【2】 Auchard, John. Silence in Henry James: the heritage of symbolism and decadence .University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,c1986.【3】 Aziz, Maqbool, ed. The Tales of Henry James .Oxford: Clarendon Press,1973(1984)【4】 Bellringer , Alan w. Henry James:modern novelists .New York ;St. Martin`s Press,1988.【5】 Berland , Alwyn .culture and Conduct in the Novels of Henry James. Cambridge (Eng); New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.【6】Buitenhuis Peter. The Grasping imagination : Balzac, Henry James, melodrama, and the mode of excess. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976.【7】鲍晓兰主编。


北京:生活 读书 新知三联书店,1995.【8】常耀信著。

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