Effects on Translation from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:40

1. 研究目的与意义

With the rapid development of China, communication between China and western countries has become closer and closer. The phenomenon of English Frenzy appears. However, there are many misunderstandings in communication between China and western countries. These problems need us to solve. The aims of this thesis are to overcome and avoid misunderstandings in communication and enhance the overall level of E-C and C-E translation. This thesis is based on the research of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and explores more deep contents. In practical study, the thesis tries to solve the practical translation problems in reality for literature and effective illustration.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The contents of research include the relation between thought, language and translation, cultural backgrounds contributing to differences in thinking modes between E-C as well as the impact of different national thinking modes upon sentence translation. I want to solve the misunderstandings of communication in order to translate effectively by the thesis. The outline of the thesis is as follows:

1.The Relation between Thought, Language and Translation.

1.1 Thought and language


3. 国内外研究现状

In China, Zhu Yongsheng and Qian Guanlian consider the study of linguistic arrangement and structure of Chinese and English as #8220;the study of linguistic entity#8221;. They stress the differences in phoneme, syllable, morpheme, word and so on by comparing and analyzing the grammar. Zhou Fangzhu has given a detailed discussion about different thought patterns between English and Chinese in his book Multianalysis of Translation. Overseas, Peter Newmark has emphasized the role of thought to achieve good translation in his book Approaches to Translation. In Nida#8217;s Language and Culture-Contexts in Translation has also witnessed the close relationship between different thought patterns and translation. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds the view that the structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakers and thus influences their thought patterns and worldviews. The thesis takes further exploration of essence of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis so that we can make some breakthroughs.

4. 计划与进度安排


This thesis is focused on the relation between thought, language and translation,cultural backgrounds contributing to differences in thinking modes between E-C and the impact of different national thinking modes upon sentence translation.

2. Relation between thought, language and translation


5. 参考文献

[1] Basil Hatin .(2001).Communication Across Cultures-Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press

[2]Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter, Lisa A. Stefani.(2000).Communication Between Cultures[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

[3] Kramsch,C.(1998).Language and Culture-Contexts in Translation. London: Oxford University Press

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