On Translation of English Slang开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:40

1. 研究目的与意义

As the development of the economic globalization, science and technology. The Internet makes the distance between countries no longer a big problem in talking with each other. People from different countries can communicate with each other by using different network media throughout the world. Also, nowadays English as the global language is regarded as a compulsory subject in the most of countries around the world. In English studying, the English slang plays an important role. It is widely used in people#8217;s daily life in English-spoken countries. Learning English slang can help us know more about those countries#8217; cultures and this is very important because of the difference between cultures, there will cause problems and barriers when people are communicating with each other. For example, if they say some slangs and we do not get what they really get or even get misunderstanding, we will feel very awkward. So learning English slang can make the atmosphere of interflow more relaxing and humorous.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper is to discuss the methods of the translation of English slang. The translation can be classified as five different varieties: literal translation, free translation, transliteration, substitution and back translation. English slang is an important part of English studying and is used widely in daily life. The methods will be discussed by analyzing three different aspects: the background of the development of English slang, the occasions it used to be used and the features of English slang. Based on those analyses, the study will find out the way to translate the English slang.

3. 国内外研究现状

After the formation of the human society, translation begins to appear. Translation is not just one kind of language culture but also a medium for culture transmission and communication between two different countries. During so many years, there are a lot of researchers devoted themselves to studying the translation.

In western countries, Eugene A.Nida began to study the theory of the translation through the Bible, his core concept is #8216;Functional Equivalence#8217;, and he thought it unnecessary to translate every single word literally. His translation theory includes four different aspects, they are: vocabulary, semantics, style and literary form. They are really useful for today#8217;s studies, but there are still some problems, I think those theories should depends on the situation. Another researcher is George Steiner, he thought that understanding is the translation, and Jacobson agrees with him. Steiner thought the best method of translation is paraphrase instead of free translation. About this idea, I don#8217;t really agree, I think paraphrase still has some limits, free translation is better when there are no similarities between two different countries. Also he thought there are four steps: trust, aggression, import and compensation. About #8216;compensation#8217;, in China there is a researcher had the same idea. He is Enmian Wang. He is the earliest person who researched on the compensation; he thought it depends on comprehensive understanding. Ping Ke also had ever studied the compensation. His theory is based on the linguistic and modern semiotics. He thought the difference of the culture is the main reason in deficiency of the translation. He made a conclusion that there are eight ways of compensation: annotation, contextual amplification, shift of perspective, specification, generalization, paraphrase, adaptation and back translation.(柯平,1991:23-26; 1992:24-26;1993:23-27)

All those studies are benefit to today#8217;s different researches on translation such as the translation of the slang. From those theories of translation, we can find some good methods to translate the English slang into Chinese, such like free translation, literal translation and so on. All those methods should depend on the situation of the slang. And we must pay attention to and respect the cultural difference.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction

1.1 The concept of English Slang

1.2 The background of the development of English Slang


5. 参考文献

[1]Herong, Chen. Principles for Translating English Slang into Chinese[J]. Joural of Yunyang Teacher College, 1998, (1):42-47.

[2]History of Slang Words


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