On Translation of Chinese Dishes开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:55

1. 研究目的与意义

Chinese cuisine culture has a long history and a profundity for its variety. With the development of globalization, Chinese dishes have found their way to the people across the world. Therefore, the English translation of Chinese dishes should be proper and normative. Only in this way, can it convey the essence of Chinese cuisine accurately.

This paper will describe the features of Chinese dishes#8217; name and then extend to the diversity of Chinese cuisine. Next, it will study the principles of the English translation of Chinese dishes from three parts. And then, it will introduce some translation strategies about Chinese Dishes. The aim of this paper is to provide some reference for Chinese dishes translator.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This essay will primarily discuss the two major parts about the translation of Chinese Dishes. One is the principles of translation, the other is the strategies of translation. Both of them have a great impact on the translation of Chinese Dishes. Firstly, I will give a clear introduce about the Chinese Food Culture. Secondly, I will show you some features of dishes#8217; name. Thirdly,I will introduce the main principles of translation. Moreover, according to some strategies, I will let you know how to translate the Chinese dishes into English.

3. 国内外研究现状

Translating the Chinese Dishes into English is so important for the whole world. With the increasing international exchanges between China and foreign countries, more and more people take delight in making trips to China, also they are familiar with the profound Chinese culture. As a reflection of China''''s culture and history and the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese people, Chinese cuisine plays an important role of a window through which foreigners could find the magic attraction of China. The translation of Chinese Dish name is not very clear, which might have misunderstanding and problem to the translators. It is necessary for us to solve the translation problem and make sure the principles of the translation.

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction

II. Chinese Food Culture

III. Features of Chinese Dish#8217; Names


5. 参考文献

[1] Carole, C.H. Food and Culture[M] London: Routledge (2007)

[2] Duo, X.P. A Brief Introduction to Chinese and Western Culture from the Perspective of Food.[J] Lanzhou:People Press (2005)

[3] Fuschia, D. Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook.[M] England:Ebury Press.(2005)

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